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Dorstenia foetida

Dorstenia foetida

Dorstenia foetida flower

Euphorbia coerulescens

Euphorbia coerulescens
Picture taken near Calitzdorp Dam. These plants are found here outside their normal distribution range in the Eastern Cape.

Astrophytum hybrid

Astrophytum hybrid

Myrtillocactus geometrizans

myrtillocactus geometrizans

myrtillocactus geometrizans flower

Myrtillocactus geometrizans seems to me the most probable name for this cactus at Leopoort garden. It may be debatable though. Comments are welcome.

Gasteria brachyphylla var. brachyphylla

Gasteria brachyphylla var. brachyphylla
Photograph taken east of Calitzdorp.

Gasteria brachyphylla var. brachyphylla
A robust plant from Dysselsdorp providing protection for Haworthia truncata .

Euphorbia horrida var. noorsveldensis

Euphorbia horrida var. noorsveldensis
Picture taken north of Jansenville after sunset.

Haworthia tricolor

Haworthia tricolor

Haworthia tricolor

Synonym: Haworthia emelyae (sensu M.B. Bayer)


Adenium somalense var. crispum

Adenium somalense var. crispum

Adenium somalense var. crispum flower

Mammillaria luethyi

Mammillaria luethyi

Diospyros acocksii

Diospyros acocksii

Cyphostemma bainesii

Cyphostemma bainesii


Cyphostemma currorii

Cyphostemma currorii

Cyphostemma currorii


Cyrtanthus falcatus

Cyrtanthus falcatus

Merwilla plumbea

Merwilla plumbea leaves

Kniphofia praecox

Kniphofia praecox flower

Dorstenia gypsophila

Dorstenia gypsophila
Native to Somalia.

Dorstenia gypsophila

Dorstenia gypsophila


A few of these specimens will be auctioned from 10 February 2012 onwards at AUCTION

Dorstenia gypsophila

Dorstenia gypsophila flower

Astrophytum myriostigma fa. quadricostatum

Astrophytum myriostigma fa. quadricostatum

Euphorbia meloformis

Euphorbia meloformis


Euphorbia inermis

Euphorbia inermis


Gasteria acinacifolia

Gasteria acinacifolia

Near Maitland River mouth.

Euphorbia globosa

Euphorbia globosa

Euphorbia globosa

Bulbine inamarxiae

Bulbine inamarxiae

Aloe bowiea

Aloe bowiea
Plant in habitat near Port Elizabeth. More info.


Piaranthus decipiens

Piaranthus decipiens


Pseudolithos caput-viperae

Pseudolithos caput-viperae


Lithops leslei ex Kotie Retief

Lithops leslei ex Kotie Retief


Cotyledon undulata

Fresh seed of Cotyledon undulata (Oudtshoorn) available here:
cotyledon undulata
Cotyledon undulata flowering in front of Echinocactus grusonii

Synonym: Cotyledon orbiculata var. oblonga. The description of "Rolling Edge" , a variant of  Cotyledon orbiculata var. orbiculata also seems to fit the plants here discussed however.

I prefer to use the name Cotyledon undulata, even if it is just for the sake of communication. It makes it easier to distinguish between different forms as long as they are somewhat geographically separated

Close to our farm south of Oudtshoorn both a flat leaved fairly tall form of Cotyledon orbiculata var. spuria  and Cotyledon undulata grow in close proximity (500 meters or so) to each other and in similar habitat. There are no hybrids detected although they seem to keep some distance from each other. I hope to take some  pictures under a microscope of  the flowers of both kinds for comparison.

Cotyledon undulata seed

Seed of Cotyledon undulata under a microscope compared to millimeters on a  ruler.  Because of their small size the seeds should rather be planted on top of the (sandy) soil. I do cover them however with a  +- single layer of coarse sand.


Euphorbia ferox

Euphorbia ferox


Euphorbia gymnocalycioides

Euphorbia gymnocalycioides

Euphorbia gymnocalycioides

Euphorbia gymnocalycioides


Lithops julii spp. julii fa. littlewoodii

Lithops julii spp. julii fa. littlewoodii


Lithops bromfieldii var. insularis fa. sulphurea

Lithops bromfieldii var. insularis fa. sulphurea


Lithops fulviceps var. laevigata

Lithops fulviceps var. laevigata


Lithops aucampiae fa. Bottle green

Lithops aucampiae fa. bottle green